English IIP AME

English IIP is an intensive course covering the study of theme in short stories, drama, novels, poetry and, in the AME Academy, films. The emphasis is on world literature. The objectives for literature are sequential and are based on skills acquired in the study of genre in the ninth grade. The composition program emphasizes the refinement of techniques and structure in the expository paragraph and essay forms. Students are encouraged to write clearly and develop related writing skills. Students also learn basic research skills. In the skills areas students develop their own vocabulary through a study of Latin prefixes and roots and college preparatory vocabulary. They also develop and refine their study skills and speaking and presentation skills. Instruction in grammar is continuous, and, while taught directly, is emphasized via student composition instruction.

As a part of the Academy, students will work on interdisciplinary projects putting their English language skills to use in writing film and TV show concepts, treatments and scripts as well as pitching their projects in a pitch meeting setting.